Thanks for your interest in planting trees with Trees Please. We ask as much as possible that do your own research on suitable trees. If you are looking for more information on native Irish trees, we recommend the wonderful publication 'Our Trees - A guide to growing Ireland’s native trees in celebration of a new Millennium' which was released in 2000 as part of the People's Millennium Forests Project, as well as the following websites:
Future Forests
Wild Oaks
Many trees are suitable for smaller gardens and if space is limited trees can be pruned to smaller sizes, and hedging can also be a good option.
We are now making plans for the Spring 2025 planting season. We will be distributing bare-root native Irish trees from Rebel Reads, Marina Commercial Park, Cork in late February/early March 2025. Please note we do not provide trees to Farmers as there are other schemes for this such as Trees on the Land. Once you receive your trees, the roots should be kept moist (in water or wet soil) and the trees should be planted as soon as possible after you receive them so get your meitheals and planting schemes organised!
All trees are given for donation to help us continue our work. We encourage everyone requesting trees to donate around 1 euro per tree.